What You Will Get From A Mold Inspection

Your home is supposed to be your safe haven and sanctuary from everywhere else in the world. It's important to keep it a safe and clean environment. Many homeowners have dangerous problems in their homes that they aren't even aware of them. One of the most common types of issues that can develop in a home without someone noticing is a mold issue. Mold is very dangerous to a person's health, and it can also cause structural damage to your home. If you have spotted something that looks like mold, smells like mold, or if you are just concerned about mold, a residential mold inspection would be a good idea.

Discover All Mold Issues in the Home

One of the most fundamental parts of a residential mold inspection is to locate all growing mold in a home. An inspector will typically start looking in the most common areas mold can occur, which is usually places like the basement, bathrooms, and other areas that may get damp. A skilled inspector can usually spot mold with the naked eye, but they may also test any potential areas for different types of mold. With an official test of mold in your home, you will know for sure whether or not you have a mold problem and what kind of mold it is that you are dealing with. Some mold can be very dangerous to your health, while others might just contribute to your allergies.

Assess the Damage to Your Home

Mold often spreads, especially if it's allowed to fester for a long time. Even when cleaned, it can come back. If your inspector locates a lot of mold in one area, they will want to assess the extent of the mold. This may include removing portions of your drywall or other permanent fixtures in your home to see how far spreading has occurred. As part of your inspection, a mold inspector may collaborate with a structural engineer to determine if a severe mold issue may require major wall repairs or other repairs that can simply be cleaned up. This will ensure that the problem doesn't get any worse.

Thorough Cleanup Services

As part of your inspection, your mold inspector will recommend a cleanup treatment for your home. Most mold inspectors work for companies that provide mold removal, and they will provide you with professional removal options as part of your inspection report. Most mold issues that are beyond just the beginning states should be removed carefully and with professional equipment. Mold spores can easily spread and start growing if they are not removed the correct way. It is best to go with the recommendations of a mold company and use their team of professionals to get the mold removed properly.

Once your inspection is complete and you are able to get the mold removed as recommended, your mold inspector can advise you on ways to keep mold from coming back. Your inspector can also help you recognize mold issues that may re-emerge in your home. For more information, contact a residential mold inspection service today.
