Carpet Cleaning Tips Every Homeowner Needs To Know About

Maintaining your home's carpeting is more than just keeping it clean, but also about protecting the investment you have in it. The cost of floor covering can be great, so learning how to best care for your carpeting is a good idea. Check out these cleaning tips you can follow for keeping your home's carpeting looking new for longer. Unavoidable Spills And Tough Stains Most parents know how it feels to have a fruit punch stain on their carpeting and that it can be tough to remove. Read More 

How To Prepare Your Office For The Janitorial Team

Your business is paying good money to a professional office cleaning company so you will make a favorable impression with clients and visitors. Some of your staff, however, might be unintentionally hindering the cleaning process. This results in an office that does not sparkle as much as is possible. Follow these tips to prepare your office for the janitorial team. Clear the Desk All employees should put their paperwork in the inbox, outbox, or filing cabinet at the end of each workday. Read More 

Don’t Hire A Cleaning Service Without Asking These 4 Questions First

These days, people are busier than ever--and finding the time to handle daily cleaning tasks isn't always feasible. Fortunately, you always have the option of hiring a professional cleaning services to take care of everything from vacuuming your floors to dusting your furniture. Before you hire just any cleaning service for the job, however, there are some important questions you should ask. What Insurance Do You Hold? First of all, don't hire any cleaning service that isn't bonded and insured. Read More 

Can You Remove Mold from Hardwood Floors as a DIY Project?

Mold damage can happen anywhere in a home, and that includes hardwood floors. Knowing how to respond to this kind of damage can help you protect your floors and your home. Can you remove mold from hardwood floors as a DIY project? The answer to this question is "sometimes." Light mold damage can be as simple as mildew that sits on top of the polyurethane covering the floorboards. When this happens, you can easily wipe away the mold if you have the right supplies. Read More 

Three Options To Give Your Home Comfortable, Durable Floors

There are many different materials that you can use for the flooring in your home. Some of these materials are hard surfaces, such as tile, concrete and epoxy materials. These can make for floors that are cold and hard to walk on, which can be hard on joints and your health. If you want to have more comfortable floors, you may be considering carpet but it can be damaged and need replacing. Read More