Why Now Is The Perfect Time For You To Get Professional Housekeeping Services

Few things can be as comforting as coming home to a clean home.  The lack of clutter, sparkling surfaces and wonderful smell can make you so happy just to be in your own abode.  However, as much as you may dream about having a house that's in its best condition, it can be difficult to make it happen in real life.  Work and family responsibilities can consume much of your time and leave you without the free moments necessary to turn your dream into reality. Read More 

2 Ways Cleaning Your Carpets Can Actually Effect Your Health

It is a good idea to have your carpets deep cleaned at least once a year. Although vacuuming cleans your carpets, it does not clean them in the same deep manner that a carpet cleaner does. Here are two ways that having your carpet deep cleaned can actually affect your health. #1 Mold Growth Is Prevented Many people do not think about carpet as an ideal place for mold to grow, but mold actually loves to take up root in carpets. Read More 

4 Reasons To Consider Hiring A Home Cleaning Service

Cleaning your home can definitely be an overwhelming task, especially if you don't enjoy it, you have kids or pets that make it messy fairly quickly, and more. There are plenty of special circumstances that can make cleaning your home that much more challenging. Here are four main reasons to consider hiring a home cleaning service to give yourself a break: You're Busy at Work: If you are working overtime on a project or are traveling because of work, you may want to consider hiring a home cleaning service. Read More 

Types Of Mold-Inviting Mistakes You’re Making In The Kitchen

Your kitchen is a prime target for mold mistakes to grow into big problems. Foods can spoil and start the parade of mold growth quickly. You need to be able to see all of the food in the refrigerator. You also need to keep the sink area cleared of any leftovers and make a practice of keeping the area dry. Continue reading for a few more ways to break the invitation to mold. Read More 

Buying An Old House? Check That It Has A Chimney Cap

If you're buying an older house that has a fireplace, you know that getting the chimney inspected for structural flaws is vital to the safety of your house and family. However, the general structure of the chimney isn't the only thing you should be concerned about. You need to be sure that chimney has a cap that's in good condition. These simple devices, with a solid top and mesh sides, do so much to keep your chimney and home safe that if you don't see one on the home's chimney, you can take it as a sign that there may be hidden issues affecting how the chimney works. Read More